Performance Optimization

27 April 2014 | 0

This weekend, I did some performance testing with ConcurrentLinkedQueue. Then, based on work requirements, I programmed a concurrent primitive array of fixed size, more or less like this:

package com.marcusbiel.javacourse;

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

public class ConcurrentArray {
    private static final int MAX_ELEMENTS = 200;
    private static final Integer[] queue = new Integer[MAX_ELEMENTS];
    private static final AtomicInteger pointer = new AtomicInteger();

    public static Integer next() {
        if (pointer.incrementAndGet() > queue.length) {
            return null;
        return queue[pointer.intValue()];

    public static void initQueue() {
        for (int i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) {
            queue[i] = Integer.valueOf(i);

Performance Test

Further performance tests revealed that it should be about 10% faster than a ConcurrentLinkedQueue. However, when I tried out a more sophisticated version storing and working on about 400,000 of more sophisticated, complex business Objects – here, it turned out my version had pretty much the same performance than ConcurrentLinkedQueue – while, unlike ConcurrentLinkedQueue, my version is only of static size and not type safe.

This taught me two things:

  1.  Never ever guess performance. Always test it. And test it as close as possible to the exact scenario, in which you will use it in production. I have read and heard this often before, but only when you see the difference for yourself, you realize how much of a difference a theory can make to practice.
  2. Even if something IS faster, this must not necessarily be the deciding factor. Things done seldom won’t cost much performance, even when you use a very bad algorithm. Only when done repetitive ( for a major part of a computation), it may make a difference (but also here – this must be tested thoroughly of course!). How does a performance difference of 20 ms hurt (e.g, for saving 100 objects) if the overall computation costs you 10 seconds for each iteration?

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