Access and Non Access Modifiers

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Access and Non-Access Modifiers (Article)


In this article from my free Java 8 Course, I will be discussing visibility modifiers. There are four access modifiers that exist in Java, three of which I will cover in this article: public, private, and default. The fourth modifier is protected, which is related to a more advanced topic (inheritance), so I will skip it for now. There are also many non-access modifiers. In this article, I will only be focusing on the static modifier.

The Public Access Modifier

The public modifier signifies that a method, variable or class is accessible from any other class. For example, the Person class that we’ve used in previous examples can access and use the Name class because the Name class is public. Please note that I’ve placed the Name class in a separate package for demonstration purposes only.

package com.marcusbiel.java8course;

import com.marcusbiel.java8course.attributes.Name;

public class Person {
    private Name personName;

Example 1

The Private Access Modifier

The private modifier signifies that the method or variable is only accessible from the class where it was declared. Make all variables and methods private until you absolutely need to make them public. This is very important, especially for variables. You don’t want other classes to poke around in your Person class and have them changing your Person object’s name whenever they feel like it. Generally, if you want to expose some variables to outside classes, you should not make the variables public. This allows outside classes to not only see them, but also modify them without any restrictions.

A Data Centric Approach

A commonly used alternative to making all your attributes public, is to provide so-called publicgetter and setter” methods, that allow other objects to directly access and change your private attributes. This approach is taught as “object oriented programming” by many Java books and courses. To me, this always felt like having a locked door, with a key and a note saying, “Please don’t open this door” stuck on it. It took me many years to realize that I wasn’t the only one who was confused, but that actually all those “smart books” and teachers were wrong! Don’t let them fool you! It is fallacy to believe that you can effectively encapsulate a class while still providing public methods that allow one to directly operate on its internals. (For more details, read my article Getters and Setters are Evil). Avoid this data-centric approach.

An Object Oriented Approach

Instead, use an object-oriented approach. Focus on providing functionality from a business point of view, independent of the internal details of a class.

When designing your class, put yourself in the shoes of someone who will have to use your class. Make it as simple as possible for the caller to use the class’s methods. To achieve this, focus on what the class should do, and not on how this will be achieved.

After careful consideration, offer only a small set of well defined public methods, independent of the internal details of a class. Generally, less is more.

The less the client “knows”, the more flexible your code stays – every method that is not public can easily be changed, without affecting other code.

As an analogy, a house also has a well defined number of doors, and they are usually closed. The house owner decides if, when, and how he wants to open them. For example, he’s not going to open the safe door when a delivery person comes to the door, but he might open the front door for the person, so they can carry his package inside.

See every public method as an open safe door; as a potential threat to your class.

Finally, you should also always validate incoming arguments. If the package the delivery person brought was supposed to be a new book, but it was ticking, the house owner probably wouldn’t let it come inside. The same goes for your public methods. As a Software Craftsman, you must make sure that each class doesn’t cause harm to the system, even when it’s used beyond its intended purpose.

I will continue to talk about these object-oriented principles throughout the course as they are very important to good code design.

The Package-Private Modifier

The third modifier I’m going to discuss is the “package-private” modifier. It is also called the “default” modifier, because this modifier is never declared. Instead, it is used as a fallback when no other visibility modifiers are declared.

A class, method or variable with this visibility is accessible from the package in which it is declared, but from nowhere else. In other words, for classes that reside in the same package as a package-private class, it’s as though the class is public; however, for classes belonging to other packages, a package-private class acts as though it was a private class.

package com.marcusbiel.java8course.attributes;

class Name {
	* Package-Private Modifier for Class Name

Example 2

This modifier is only sparsely used by Java developers, without good reason. Generally speaking, use the default level modifier whenever you need classes of the same package to use a method, but you don’t want classes outside of this package to use the method. For example, imagine a class Car has a method diagnose that you want a class Mechanic of the same package to be able to use. But the sales-oriented car company you are coding for doesn’t want class Customer to fiddle around with this method, because that would hurt its earnings.

In my opinion there is a flaw in the package-private modifier: Since there is no keyword, it is unclear whether a missing modifier is an error on the part of the programmer, or a planned package-private modifier. If you forget to put a modifier in, you are going to cause issues for your program down the road, but you won’t know. There will be no warning from the compiler that there’s a “missing modifier“, since it is legal coding practice to leave it out. If you had wanted your class or members to be public, when you try to access them outside of the package you can’t. Even more dangerous, is when you’ve forgotten to set a private modifier and months later, your method or variable is used somewhere else, without your noticing.

On the other hand, if you intended to use the package-private modifier, you’re intentionally leaving the visibility modifier out. Another programmer might not realize this and try to “fix” your code by adding in a modifier that they assume you wanted. That’s why I recommend that if you are on purpose using the package-private modifier (which in some cases is very useful), then leave a comment denoting your intent.

Coding Example

Now that you know about visibility modifiers, let’s apply them to a coding example. First, we are going to create a new @Test method in our PersonTest class. This method will be called shouldReturnNumberOfPersons and will contain three objects of type Person named “person1”, “person2”, and “person3”.

package com.marcusbiel.java8course;

import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;

public class PersonTest {

    public void shouldReturnNumberOfPersons {
         Person person1 = new Person();
         Person person2 = new Person();
         Person myPerson = new Person();
         assertEquals(3, myPerson.numberOfPersons());

Example 3

Next we’re going to use an assertEquals() method to check if the number of Person objects created is equal to 3.

Let’s begin to write the code to make this method work in our Person class. In our Person class, I’ve created an instance variable of type int called personCounter. Then, in the default constructor, we will add 1 to personCounter each time this constructor is called. Logically, every time a Person is created this constructor is going to be called, so if we add 1 to personCounter each time the constructor is called, we count the number of Person objects we have created. We never initialized personCounter, but this should still work because the default value for an int is 0. (If you’d like to learn more about default values, you can take a look at this article).

public class Person {
	private int personCounter;

	public Person() {
		personCounter = personCounter + 1;

Example 4

As an added note, there are actually three ways to add 1 to personCounter. The first is the way we did above. The second is:

personCounter += 1; 

Example 5

which can increment personCounter by any value we wish. The third option is the shortest, but only works if you want to increment by 1:


Example 6

All three of these options take the value of personCounter, increase it by 1, and then store that new value in a new version of personCounter. Now let’s write our numberOfPersons() method to return personCounter:

public static int numberOfPersons() {
    return personCounter;

Example 7

If we execute this code, our test fails because our numberOfPersons()method returned 1. Can you guess why?

Each time we created a new Person object, we stored the object and all its values into a separate person variable. Therefore, each time we create a new object, all of its instance variables are reset by the constructor and stored as part of a new object. So for each of our Person objects, the value of personCounter got initialized to 0, and then incremented by 1.

The Static Modifier

This brings us to our solution, the static modifier. As you might remember from the last article, the static modifier associates the method or variable with the class as a whole instead of with each individual object. Normally if you create a hundred Person objects, each will have its own personCounter variable, but with this modifier, all one hundred objects will share one common personCounter variable. This way, our personCounter will retain the same value, no matter how many Person objects we create.

First, we add this modifier to our personCounter variable and we’re also going to add it to our numberOfPersons() method, as we should never have an instance method return a static variable and vice versa.

public class Person {
    private Name personName;
    private static int personCounter;


    public static int numberOfPersons() {
         return personCounter;

Example 8

By making the method and variable static, we can now accurately count and return the number of Person objects created. Our variable is associated with the class, and since it can’t be accessed due to the private tag, we have the public method numberOfPersons() which allows outside code to access, but not modify, the value of personCounter.

Thanks for reading!

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