Java Object toString() method Video

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Object toString() (Article)


In this article from my free Java course, I will explain the Object toString() method. I will also briefly touch on getClass() as it is relevant to the default toString() method.

The Object toString() method returns a String that represents the object to the user that can be printed to the console or a user interface. Let’s take a look at the default toString() method of the class Object.

public String toString() {
     return getClass().getName() + ‘@’ + Integer.toHexString(hashCode());

Example 1

Example 1 shows how the toString() method concatenates the getClass().getName() method, an ‘@’ symbol and a hexadecimal value for the Object’s hashCode to create a String that represents the object. The getClass() method returns the runtime class of the class the object belongs to. The getName() method then returns the full-fledged class name. For example, if you have a class “BMW” in the package “com.marcusbiel.java8course” and you instantiate a BMW object, a call to getClass().getName() will return “com.marcusbiel.java8course.BMW”. The Integer.toHexString(hashCode()) method creates a hexadecimal representation of the object’s hashCode. Here is a brief example of a method that would utilize a toString() call:

public void shouldConvertBMWToString() {
      BMW bmw = new BMW(new Name("Marcus", "Biel"), new Color("silver"));

Example 2

Both of the System.out.println() lines in Example 2 call Object toString(). This is because the println() method is overloaded, meaning that it exists in several different variations that expect different arguments. The first variation is expecting to print a String. Meanwhile, the second call is expecting an Object, which it then proceeds to call the String.valueOf() method, which will then call the toString() method. Please note that in production, generally speaking, you should use logging instead of System.out.println().

While System.out.println() works well for debugging or diagnostic information in the console, it lacks the flexibility of logging in terms of output. A logger also normally yields better performance. Returning to the method above, either System.out.println() call will return BMW@e2144e4. That String isn’t very useful to us, especially if we are debugging the code and trying to understand the current state of the object. Presumably, if we are calling a BMW object toString() we know it’s a BMW object. For that reason, you should override the toString() method for most Entity classes.

Overriding the Object toString() Method


public class BMW implements Car, Cloneable {

       private Name ownersName;
       private Color color;

       public BMW(Name ownersName, Color color) {
             this.ownersName = ownersName;
             this.color = color;


Example 3

Here you can see the BMW class that I referenced in my previous example. As you saw in the last section, when we call println(bmw.toString()), we get something like BMW@e2144e4. That is because we have not overridden the toString method as of yet. Before we override the method, we should define what we want it to return. In the case of this class, it has two attributes: the owner’s name (ownersName) and the color (color). We also may want to return what type of class the object is, and we can easily do that by calling the getClass() method I highlighted before.

public String toString() {
      return getClass().getName() + " [" + ownersName + ", " + color + "]";

Example 4

Above, I have overridden the toString() method for the BMW class. I used the @override as a tool that I can use even though it is not necessary for the code to run. It causes my compiler to make sure that I’m actually overriding a method (and not just writing a new method), and allows someone reading my code to realize that I’m overriding a method. Another point that I’d like to highlight is that I’m not writing color.toString(). This is unnecessary because the “+” sign between Strings allows the compiler to realize that I am concatenating strings, and automatically calls the toString() method for these objects.

public void shouldConvertBMWToString() {
      BMW bmw = new BMW(new Name("Marcus", "Biel"), new Color("silver"));

Example 5

If I run this method again, assuming that we have created the Name toString() and the Color toString() methods, our output will now be “BMW [Marcus Biel, silver]”. Now when we call the toString() method we have something more meaningful than the hashCode that we can print to the console, log, or print to a User Interface that will allow the user to see the content of the object.

StringBuilder: An Alternative to String Concatenation

The final thing I’d like to highlight in this article is the StringBuilder class. String concatenation with the “+” can cost a small amount of performance per call, and if you have a loop concatenating millions of Strings this small difference could become relevant. However, since the compiler will replace String concatenation and use a StringBuilder in most cases, you should go for the code that is the most readable first. Further optimize for performance only when needed, covered by tests. Below, here is an alternative toString() method that uses StringBuilder rather than concatenating the string. It will create the String dynamically, without all the plusses.

public String toString() {
      return new StringBuilder (“BMW [“).append(ownersName).append(“,“)

Example 6

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2 thoughts on “Java Object toString() method Video

  1. Avatar for Marcus Biel Bitchou says:

    le livre java for passionnate Developers peut-il m’aider ?

    • Avatar for Marcus Biel Marcus Biel says:

      It’s in english, so I am not sure if it can help you if you don’t seem to speak english.

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